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Moving to Australia

Moving to Australia?

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If you're planning to emigrate to Australia and you're looking for a reliable partner, then De Haan can take care of everything, every step of the way. We've acquired a great deal of experience relocating people to Australia.

Planning to move to Australia?

If you're moving down under to Australia, whatever you do, choose an experienced relocation company. De Haan fits that bill perfectly. You can count on us to get you relocated – safely. We'll select the right partner for you from our extensive network. You can call on us to ship all your household goods or simply a selection of your cherished belongings. Either way, we take care of every detail... skilled personnel, vehicles, equipment, seaborne or airborne freight, customs clearance and delivery to your new home.

Moving Down Under

Moving down under to Australia is an enormous step. We'll do everything in our power to make sure you feel at home in your new surroundings as quickly as possible. For instance, we'll get you up to speed with the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service's (AQIS) stringent rules and regulations, and find you a professional partner to deliver your belongings to your new home.
Proper preparation and professional partners are the first steps on a smooth, trouble-free journey down under. We'll help make it a journey free of any unpleasant surprises.

Home sweet home!  Moving Back to The Netherlands

De Haan will also be ready and waiting to help if and when you decide to head back to The Netherlands. We'll professionally pack and ship your household goods, and arrange for them to be delivered to your new home.
It goes without saying that we'll make sure you've got all the information you need to clear your household goods through customs.

Smooth, Trouble-Free International Relocation with De Haan

There are essentially three main ingredients to making sure all your belongings reach your destination without sustaining any damage:

  1. Correct packing
  2. A reliable partner
  3. All formalities in order

De Haan has all these bases covered:

  1. We use durable, special-purpose packing material and train our moving experts in seaproof packing – this requires great skill!
  2. As both a FIDI and an OMNI member, we rely on our global network of moving partners to deliver your belongings to your new address. We select local partners based on quality and regular evaluations. Quite often, we know the staff at these overseas companies personally and have worked with them for many years. This ensures that you can count on committed and professional moving experts in the country you're moving to.
  3. De Haan arranges all customs formalities and shipping by sea or air. We assign a designated coordinator to oversee this entire process, to communicate with our partners overseas, and to keep you informed.

Documents, Terms and Conditions for your move to Australia

Which documents are requested and which requirements /conditions apply to you depends entirely on your personal situation. We are happy to assist you in this difficult matter of documents because we understand that this can be stressful.

Here you can find more information: FIDI Imports Customs Guide for Australia 

Emigrate to Australia

You want to take over the world and build a new life down under. The land of kangaroos, koalas and special nature attracts you and you can't wait to cross the ocean with all your belongings. But it's not that easy. There are a number of things that you should take into account before you emigrate to this island.

Emigrating Australia: applying for a visa

Although the lifestyle of the Ozzies is very relaxed and friendly, their immigration policy is less so. When emigrating to Australia is planned, it is necessary to apply for a visa. You need this residence permit to be able to work and live in the country. This visa is called the Skilled Migrant Visa and is not issued to everyone.

Do you want to be eligible for a Skilled Migrant Visa? Then you must in any case meet these requirements:

  • You are between 18 and 45 years old
  • Your occupation (and that of any partner) is on the Australian Occupations List. This list is divided into two groups: Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills & Short-term Skilled Occupation.
  • You have the right diplomas and experience for the profession you practice (the specific details differ per profession)
  • Your English language skills are at a high level (this is assessed by means of a test)
  • You have no criminal record and you are healthy.

But also the Skilled Migrant Visa consists of different parts. For example, there is a Skilled Independent visa and a Skilled Nominated visa.

Applying for a visa with a company

If you want to start a business in Australia, there are different conditions. For example, there is a Business Talent visa for experienced entrepreneurs who want to grow their business down under. Strict requirements apply here too. For example, you must not be older than 55, you must have had a turnover of at least AUD 3 million in the last four years and you are 30% owner of the company.

Emigrating to Australia: you have to take this into account

Besides the complicated process of applying for a visa, there are more things to consider when you want to emigrate to Australia.

  • Nature and animals are very different than in the Netherlands. If you are afraid of spiders, Australia may not be the place to emigrate to
  • The health care system in Australia is well organized. You can apply for a health insurance card through Medicare, but the government encourages you to apply for additional health insurance yourself.
  • Do you have pets? Make sure that these papers are properly arranged, so that your beloved pet can go on the plane.
  • Driving on the left side of the road
  • You can have your car imported if you have owned it for at least one year
  • As a result of the corona crisis, there has been enormous pressure on the logistics chain worldwide since March 2020. There are still disruptions in shipping, a backlog in production, distribution around the world is under pressure and there is a shortage of raw materials such as wood. Due to the high transport demand in the market on the one hand and the shortage of transport on the other, logistical waiting times and costs are currently rising. It is expected that the particularly acute scarcity of sea containers and harbour congestion will not be over in the short term. So take into consideration possible occurrence of delays and/or rising costs with intercontinental moves. Read FIDI letter.

Do you want to emigrate Australia? We hope that you have now obtained some more information. If you have more questions, you can always contact us or request a price indication or quote below. We ensure that you can emigrate to Australia without any worries. De Haan is the reliable party to outsource your move to. 

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February 17 2022

Friendly and helpful and knowledgeable


Moving to Hoogvliet, Netherlands,
from Queensland, Australia

January 29 2021

There is a lot involved in an international move. You give away responsibility for your entire contents. All your properties with financial and emotional value. Stuff, some of which are irreplaceable. I recommend De Haan. Didn't worry for a moment and always knew exactly where the stuff was. If I had any questions, within half an hour an answer via Email and an immediate answer over the phone. Nice people and good communication!


Moving to Melbourne, Australia,
from The Hague, Netrherlands

November 23 2020

Very good experience, good communication, fast communication when needed. Call back at the right time. Small problems are solved immediately, everything clearly very satisfied.


Moving to Victoria, Australia,
from Zeist, Netherlands

The average rating of customers who moved from and to the Middle East

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