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verhuizen naar China Shanghai

Moving abroad?

Move to the Netherlands without worries

Price estimate

I quickly want a price indication in preparation for my move


Customized quote

I am looking for a tailor-made moving solution and would like to receive exact costs

Location no longer available

Sorry! The location you are looking for is no longer available at De Haan. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with your relocation to this country. We can, however, advise you on the steps you will have to take for the relocation to your new country of residence. Take a look at our general, very useful tips on emigration. Does your relocation also involve children or pets? Then be sure to read the following pages:

Assistance with choosing the right moving company

Don’t forget to think about the preparation you will need before moving. Even though we are not able to help you move to the desired location, we would like to help you choose the right moving company. You can find all our tips and considerations in our free e-book. This also includes tips on making a budget and convenient ways to save funds.

Good luck with your relocation and this important step in your life. If you consider moving to another destination in the future, please consider international moving company De Haan!

Dennis Nijssen-1
Dennis Nijssen

Any questions? Our experienced specialist is at your service.

You can reach me at +31786920233 or send an .

About De Haan


the 9th generation
of the family


in every country


moved to and from 
any destination worldwide


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