With the use of 1 "Dopper" you ensure that approximately 40 disposable water bottles per year do not end up in our oceans. Plus drinking water is healthy. As inspiration, all De Haan employees will receive not 1, but 2 personalized reusable 'Dopper' water bottles to always carry with them.
By no longer using disposable bottles, all De Haan employees contribute to a cleaner living environment through their own small daily activities. Good news right? Especially with the predicted high summer temperatures. And because every Dopper carries each employee's own name, you cannot be mistaken in the context of Corona.
De Haan is a family business founded in 1777. The De Haan family is a 100% shareholder of De Haan Removals. The shares are currently owned by the 8th generation, being Michiel de Haan. We do business based on the continuity of our organization, our employees, our customers and our environment. Michiel de Haan operates from the vision that companies should be a "Force for Good". Based on this vision of stewardship and of life, De Haan has signed the Dopper Wave statement on behalf of all employees and De Haan Movers tries to ban disposable water bottles from its organization.
8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year. It is estimated that by 2050 the weight of plastic in the oceans will be greater than the weight of fish. For us this means that now, today, we start using our own personalized Dopper. Disposable water bottles are now banned within De Haan Movers. That may not sound very impressive in the big (plastic) picture, but we all make a difference. We encourage each other and our visitors to drink tap water from a Dopper or glass whenever and wherever possible.