On June 24, 2019, CEO Wouter Hijzen signed the Code of Responsible Market Conduct on behalf of De Haan relocation. Signing this Code is important to our business.
This code makes a moral appeal to clients, contractors, hirers, trade unions and intermediaries to commission, accept and carry out assignments in a socially responsible manner and with respect for the quality of the service. In doing so, the Responsible Market Conduct Code gives an impulse to improving the outsourcing and hiring policy in the Netherlands. We make it clear that we stand for quality and a good social policy. And we are proud of that!
Competition is healthy and we are certainly able to be competitive in tenders. But there are limits, as we declare through the Code. Our employees can count on us to pay attention to the social side of the contract that we sign with a client. In this way we ensure that they can actually deliver on the promised quality and that the workload does not become unjustifiably high. Of course we also pay attention to costs and efficiency. But the quality of the work and not the price is central. The Code is an important foundation for us to provide our services responsibly and only do business with partners who feel the same way.
Read more about this Code? Read (available in Dutch only) www.codeverantwoordelijkmarktgedrag.nl.