This Thursday we celebrated André van Vliet’s 25th year of employment. All these years, day in and day out, André was there for our customers. Whether they had a question, were in need of some help or just wanted a talk, André was there for them and helped them out. He says his work doesn’t actually feel like work but more as helping others. He really likes this and even after 25 years with De Haan he still enjoys his work. His co-workers say he is helpful and caring, which makes him a valued colleague.
André himself stays down-to-earth and emphasises how much he enjoys his work and how dedicated he is to it. The most satisfying thing of his work is the smile of a happy costumer because that is what makes him happy too.
Every day we of De Haan are very grateful for André and hope he’ll stay with us for next 25 years to come.
Congratulations on your 25 years of employment André and keep up the good work!