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FIDI Global Alliance

Quality benchmark in the International Moving Industry

FIDI is a global alliance of professional international moving and relocation companies. Since its inception in 1950, FIDI has been a pioneer in raising the bar within the world of international relocation. Its international network totals more than 600 moving companies in over 100 countries selected for their levels of quality and service. Admission requirements for prospective members are strict, addressing operational, financial, and administrative aspects of their business.

Every year, FIDI members meet to discuss ways to improve mutual partnership and cooperation, as well as improving relocation service quality as a whole. To this end, the FAIM prgram (= FIDI Accredited International Mover) has been developed for this purpose. FIDI FAIMPLUS certification is the highest level of accreditation in existence within the relocation world. It is only awarded to top international moving companies and is audited every two years by Ernst & Young. This means that you can be certain you've made the right choice. A FIDI-Accredited International Moving company stands for quality of the highest level.


1. Reduced risks. By using experienced partners that apply consistent and thorough processes, you can minimize the chances of expensive mistakes. Better safe than sorry.

2. Guaranteed quality from beginning to end. From pre-move survey and a reliable quote to packing, shipping, documentation/customs clearance, storage, delivery, insurance and data protection. Consistent standards across a global network FAIM accredited companies primarily use other FIDI affiliated partners, ensuring that your entire move chain adheres to strict quality standards.

3. Accurate assessment of cargo and fair pricing. The experience of FAIM-certified movers means that they will be accurate with their assessment of the cargo, and can advise you on what to ship and what to leave behind. By recommending a volume or weight band that suits your needs, a FAIMcertified mover is able to help you make the best use of your budget. This way costs are kept to a necessary minimum, and there will be no hidden expenses at the end of the relocation process.

4. Helping you make a better choice efficiently. The FAIM framework includes key performance indicators, helping corporate buyers and global mobility professionals to make a fast and meaningful comparison between prospective suppliers.


Hugo van Bastelaere

Any questions? Our experienced specialist is at your service.

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